Minneopa Cemetery

Historic Minneopa Cemetery

Since 1855

Oldest Continuously Operating Cemetery in Blue Earth County

Grave Sites of Historical Interest

Louis Seppman Built the stone windmill located in Minneopa State Park
Dorence Tatman Built and ran the Green Gables cabins that were destroyed in the 1946 tornado
John A. Jones First Burial Plot (1855)
Belle Born Anderson Dilinger Connection (supposed girlfriend)
G.A. Strom Long time president of cemetery
Ray Melvin Turkey famer killed in 1946 tornado
Dackins Interesting monument
T.O. Jones Buried inside the only fenced block in the cemetery
E.P. Kelly Long time undertaker
Loren Crane Long time president
William J. Roberts Family lost 4 children with diptheria in 1880's. First of 6 generations buried in Minneopa Cemetery
John W. Roberts Member of Park Board and Cemetery Board
Arthur Roberts Secretary for 64 years
Rev. William E. Evans Long time prominent Welsh minister in Mankato
Esther Daniels Long time teacher who gave legacy to cemetery that was used to build the brick burial storage building
Alfred Seppman Son of Louis Seppmann
Richard Wigley State Senator
Clarence Staley Caretaker in the zoo at Sibley Park who was killed by a bear