Minneopa Cemetery

Historic Minneopa Cemetery

Since 1855

Oldest Continuously Operating Cemetery in Blue Earth County

Board Minutes for February 1st, 2008

The meeting was held at U.S. Bank.

Vice President John Croswell called the meeting to order. All were present except Stan Edwards.

The minutes were read by Sally Peterson and approved as read. Dean Otto gave the treasurers report and it was approved as read.


Dean Otto gave an update on the web site. This is continuing to be worked on with eventually getting the plat map online so everyone can find burial plots on the map.

The subject of advertising was brought up. We need to start doing some advertising in the Free Press. John Croswell suggested we make up some cards to leave at the mortuaries. Dean, Ruth and Sally will work on this.

John Peterson said he will work on the roads and taking down trees in the spring.


The election of board members and officers was held. Those members whose terms are up are Stan Edwards, Dean Otto, Sally Peterson and John Croswell. A motion was made, 2nd and carried to reelect the board members whose terms have expired. A motion was made, 2nd and carries to reinstate the present slate of officers.

Two names were mentioned as prospective board members. They were Arlene Neilsen and Doug Johnson. If they agree we will add them to our board.

A motion was made, 2nd and passed to adjourn the meeting.

Respectfully submitted by Sally Peterson.