Minneopa Cemetery

Historic Minneopa Cemetery

Since 1855

Oldest Continuously Operating Cemetery in Blue Earth County

Board Minutes for February 2nd, 2007

The meeting was held at U.S. Bank.

Dean Otto called the meeting to order. Present were Dean Otto, Sally Peterson Lyle Seppman and Gordon Herbst.

The minutes were read by Sally Peterson and approved as read. Dean Otto went over the treasurer’s report and it was approved as read. Dean also talked about working on a check and balance system. He will look into this and report on it at the next meeting.


We talked about the web site and decided that Sally should send out a letter to the local mortuaries to inform them of our site. After some discussion a motion was made, 2nd and carried to allocate $500.00 for web update and $500.00 for advertising.

We discussed the road problems on the East side between road A & B and decided John Peterson will work on this next spring.


Due to few board members present we decided to have the board members reinstated until the next meeting. The officers will remain the same until then. Arleen Neilsen has agreed to be on the board if elected.

The afternoon meeting was canceled because of weather. Sally will go out there in case someone shows up.

Respectfully submitted by Sally Peterson.